Why I don’t drink alcohol

Before I even get into it I want you to know I am not against other people drinking alcohol and I think it’s highly likely that Jesus drank alcohol when he was on earth. I’ve just gone through certain life experiences that have led me not to drink.  I’m not saying you have to follow, but I do want to share my reasoning because some of it relates to health and fitness. 


I love lists and bullet points when I’m reading so I supply you skimmers with bullet points to keep you going. 


- Both my Grandfathers were alcoholics.  I did not know either of them real well.  Both died too young (one before I was born).


- I put myself in the hospital one time drinking too much (college).


- The flabbiest I ever got was when I was drinking alcohol the most.  Avoiding alcohol is AWESOME for my ABS!


- There is some research that says it’s good for heart health but several others that say it's no...

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Do you ever wake up in the morning in PAIN?

Hurting yourself while sleeping seems ludicrous but it happens all too frequently.  Bad sleeping positions are usually the culprit.  I got a chance to take a nap on live TV to explain common issues in sleep positions and to share some helpful tweaks.  

Watch the Video Below...

This is not an exhaustive explanation, just what we could get through in a TV segment.  I hope it is helpful to those of you dealing with chronic in your Shoulders, Back, Knees, Hips, Neck, or even Plantar Fasciitis!  


About the Author:

Jeremy “the tall trainer” Biernat is a Certified Personal Trainer, Certified Strength Coach, has his Bachelors in Exercise Science, and enjoys writing, speaking, and inspiring people online and in person. See his new book!  More importantly he is a husband, father, and follower of God. His practice is in upstate NY (Canandaigua) where he works with people in one on one and group sessions to make awesome changes in...

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Don’t Make These 3 Mistakes This Summer

healthy lifestyle May 30, 2018

Summertime in the northern latitudes is a carefree time. It is so welcome after the brutality of winter. You know, that fun six months of missing the sun and wishing that breathing outside didn’t feel like ice daggers in your lungs. When summer rolls around everyone gets grand ideas of all the things they’ll be doing: kayaking, hiking, biking, running, walking, swimming, yard work, gardening, etc.

I love the enthusiasm and the optimism. I often get caught up in the excitement myself. However, these two mistakes will doom the progress you’ve worked so hard for in the dark months of winter. Read on dear friend:


Mistake #1: Confusing Activity for Exercise

Summer is filled with activity. Increased activity burns calories. Excellent. More of that is probably better. All of those things listed above and more are what constitutes activity. Get more activity.


Upping your activity level should not replace your structured exercise. It needs to...

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Without a Purpose You are Doomed....

healthy lifestyle mindset May 10, 2018

Seriously...People with a purpose to get out of bed live about 7 years longer than those who don't!  If you've lost your purpose get a new one.  Get fired up with this short motivational video.  


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Then DON'T restrict your calories..

Do you feel ALL over the place with your eating?

Perfect meal to HECK with it!

Monday–Friday afternoon =Gold star BUT let’s NOT even talk about the weekend.

I used to ride on this roller coaster SEVERAL times a week. I had very BLACK and WHITE thinking. Perfect or total crap. Tons of veggies and lean protein to diving into as many refined carbs as I could get my paws on.

With my eating disorder history, any thought of “restricting” calories sends me into a TOTAL tail spin. I don’t think you have to have had an eating disorder to have a similar cycle. Years of yo-yo dieting can have the similar effects.

I HAD to change my mindset about how I was eating and tracking my food if I stood a chance at getting control over this ugly pattern that TOTALLY drained me and left me feeling hopeless, weak and defeated.

If restricting your calories causes more binges…THEN DON’T RESTRICT YOUR CALORIES and focus on cutting down on the binges.

What is a...

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The NEW incentives in Boot Camp

New Boot Camp Climb

We've been thinking about this for years and finally have decided on a way to do it.  We wanted to allow you to have more to shoot for than just survival of boot camp so we've made levels and incentives similar to the martial arts system.  Watch the video to find out more!  If you weren't here on day one this month definitely watch the video!  CLICK HERE

My hope it this helps you to reach higher and do better!  2018 is going to be a GREAT year!

Jeremy 'tall trainer' Biernat

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Preventing the Old Age Slouch/Hunch


I have the repeated honor of appearing on FOX ROCHESTER's morning show "Good Day Rochester" on a monthly basis.  This time I talked about the "old age" slouch which isn't quite old age anymore. 

I did forget one of my points that I wanted to make.  (live TV is tough!)  I forgot to mention Wolff's Law that says our bones change based on the stress put on them.  "If you keep making that posture you're going to get stuck that way." 

Your bones will actually form to that shape and you might not be able to UNDO what you have done!  While you still can straighten up make sure you are proactively working on this!  Watch the video above for a few ideas on how to fight this.

While I have your attention I wanted to share something I'm pretty excited about!  There are still 5 days left until the end of this boot camp session but our clients are already down:

161.4 Pounds in...

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Halloween Candy Rules

(how many calories and how hard is it to burn that stuff off anyway?)

VIEW on FOX Rochester

My mom agreed to go on the News with me last week and ride an exercise bike to burn off the Calories in the piece of candy I'm holding.  Yeah that's my mom!  I'm 36 and I'm not the oldest kid.  She is a great spokes person for our program AND Exercise / Nutrition in general!

4 Helpful Candy Rules:

1 - Don't buy it until the day before (if you already have...Danger!)
2 - Buy Candy you don't like
3 - Don't open the BIG bag - once you do you'll be more tempted
4 - Make a kids day - at the end of trick or treating dump all your candy in the last kids bag and turn out the light.  That kid will remember it forever!!!  (and you won't start your holiday weight gain early)

At anywhere from 20-120 Calories for a "fun sized" candy you could easily bring in an extra 500 calories per day in a couple bites.  Plus the high sugar content makes you more hungry...

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Thomas Edisons Motivational Advice

healthy lifestyle mindset Sep 10, 2017

Hey Friend,

Here's something to think about.  Thomas Edison has this great quote that I share in this 1 minute video.  It's definitely worth the time.  Success is tough to reach and tough to keep.  We need motivation like this to keep moving forward.  CLICK HERE or on the Picture below to see the 1 minute video. 

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News-3 things that could end the health care crisis!

Hey Friend,

You may have seen this online but just in case you haven't it is a very shocking and hyping kind of statement that I said first in a class off the cuff.  I began thinking about it deeper and realized "Whoa, if we could get everyone doing these 3 things it could end the health care crisis!"  Of course getting people to do anything is the ultimate challenge, but maybe you can do these things for yourself to decrease your chances of having a personal health care crisis. 

You might have heard about these before but I find I need reminders constantly.

>>Click on the image or this link to watch <<

If you are local and want to hear a Faith based health and fitness talk I've got the honor to fill in at the West Bloomfield Congregational Church at 10 am THIS Sunday!  (https://wbccucc.org/)  I'm used to speaking but does it mean I'm preaching if it's in front of a church on Sunday?  :o)  (God help me represent You well!!!)

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